Sunday, May 24, 2009

Star Trek For The Non-Trekie

In the ultimate nerd start to a blog, I finally went and saw Star Trek. I was a little bit traumatized when Ihad to ask who Captain Kirk was, or rather not when I had to ask, but when I found out it had been William Shatner. That's a bad picture in my head. Anyway, I went to see it, obviously I'm not a Trekie fan. I am a comic books fan, but not Star Trek. It was that good. literally, I've never been a Star Wars fan either and remain one who doesn't bother seeing the movies anymore, because I've tried to even watch the new ones, and they are just not that good. Star Trek on the other hand, amazing! I think I watched one episode as a kid when it was on, and I realize that makes me really old right now. But I got really bored and thought it was stupid. The movie is an entirely different beast

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